Do Not Interact
Racists, homophobes, transphobes/TERFs/radfems/gender critical, ableists, fatphobes, xenophobes, anti-Semites, Islamophobes, and all other bigots
Nazis, White supremacists, Trump voters, Christian nationalists, conservatives, alt-right, QAnon, all other hate group affiliations
Antivaxxers, anti-mask mandates, anti-science
Real Person Fanfic (RPF)
Zoophiles, NSFW feral
Lolicon, shotacon, pedos, MAPs, NSFW babyfur, ABDL, cub porn, diaperfur
NFT, AI Art, cryptocurrency
Ace and bi lesbian exclusionists
Truscum and transmed
Fat fetishists (inflation, feedism, chubby chasers, gainers, etc)
Multi-level marketing and brand ambassadors
Weight loss proponents
Sex pests and predators and people who continue to support them after victims have come forward
Before You Follow
I am a/an
Furry + plus-size fursuiter
Anti-capitalist leftist
Supporter of Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, Land Back, Free Palestine, and in solidarity with other marginalized groups
Autistic and have a mobility disability
Use neopronouns (fae/faer)
Identify as both queer and a lesbian and support m-spec lesbians (because non-binary identities may include male genders such as for genderfluid, bigender, demiboy, pangender, Two-Spirit, and genderflux individuals)
Superfat, body positive, anti-diet culture
Sex-averse asexual and demi-romantic
Adult (born in 1992), minors please don’t send non-commission related and personal DMs